About Myself

It doesn't matter how slowly I go as long as I don't stop.

New era for quantitative drug discovery and protein design has arrived through Quantum Mehcanics and Machine Learning. I will take the lead and expand the possibilities of quantitative computer-aided drug discovery and protein design through quantum mechanics and machine learning.

The future is here!
It's just not widely distributed yet.




Total Publications


Total Awards

Tools Expertness

Computer-Aided Drug/Protein Design 90%

Machine Learning and Deep Learning 85%

Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics 90%

Python/Java 80%

Quantum Computing 65%

Research Interests

  • (1) Advanced Biologics & Quantum Computing

    (2) Computer-Aided Drug Design & AI-based Protein Design

    (3) Generative Molecular Design for Small molecules & Proteins

    (4) Innovative Tool Develment for Biological and Chemical Applications

  • Professional Experience and Job Titles

  • (2023 - present) Senior Researcher in Bioinformatics and Molecular Design Research Center

    (2019 - 2022) Researcher in Bioinformatics and Molecular Design Research Center

    (2019 - 2019) Visiting Junior Fellow in Akiyama Lab. at Toyko Institute of Technology

    (2016 - 2017) Research Intern in Computational Systems Biology Lab. at Yonsei University

  • Educational Background

    Award and Honors