It doesn't matter how slowly I go as long as I don't stop.
New era for quantitative drug discovery and protein design has arrived through Quantum Mehcanics and Machine Learning. I will take the lead and expand the possibilities of quantitative computer-aided drug discovery and protein design through quantum mechanics and machine learning.
The future is here!
It's just not widely distributed yet.
Total Publications
Total Awards
Thesis Advisors
Prof. Kyoung Tai NoThesis
“Development of Accurate Virtual Engines and Effective Ranking Systems (AVENGERS) for Drug Design and Protein Engineering”Cumulative GPA: 4.24 / 4.30
Thesis Advisor
Prof. Kyoung Tai NoThesis
“Application of Fragment Molecular Orbital to Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions”Cumulative GPA: 4.24 / 4.30
Cumulative GPA: 4.14 / 4.30